Monday, April 20, 2015


依斯干达特区的发展, 应该可以说是进入第二阶段.

第一个阶段, 依斯干达特区已经发展成一个 小吉隆坡 “, 第二阶段是要充实 小吉隆坡 的内容 ( Content ).

第一个阶段产生 同质化 的问题, 大大小小的发展计划都很好, , 必须各有特色, 共存共荣, 快的慢一点没问题, 慢的得加快脚步, 边缘区域最好专注于研究和开发 ( Research & Development ).

Sunday, April 19, 2015



同样的一个单位, 有些选择用于餐厅, 一些用于诊所, 一些卖衣服, 一些卖钻石, 一些当办公室, 一些干脆关起门当仓库.

当然, 餐厅, 诊所, 衣服, 钻石, 办公室, 仓库给房地产带来不同的价值.

Friday, April 17, 2015


中国的困境是, 在不应该取得成功的客观条件跟环境下, 取得成功, 中国的成功是特例不是惯例, 这意味着, 中国没有一个可供真正参考的对向, 反渐渐成为别人参考的对向.

中国要设定一个标准, 一个方便别人评估中国的标准.

中国曾经最民主却被说成最不民主, 百家争鸣就是最民主.

中国的困境是小国中国大国都怕中国, 但却全都想要讨中国的便宜.

中国有很多难题, 这些难题, 就算打七折跟任何人交换, 无一人敢换, 而任何人却全都无视中国的难题, 反要中国承担他们的难题.

中国的困境, 难分难解.

The secret of winning in sports

It always seem like some players or teams can go on winning forever and some players or teams can't even buy one single lucky bounce with a million dollar.

So, there must be a secret hidden somewhere.

One, it is all about hate to lose.

Two, it is all about the will to win.

Three, it is all about keep on trying no matter what.

Four, it is all about it is your turn to win.

Five, it is all about the fear of losing.

Six, it is all about you can handle winning.

Seven, someone is just a natural born winner and there is nothing you can do about it.

How to play defence in sports ?

The role of a defender is different from an offender, a defender defences and an offender attacks.

To play offence, a player needs skill and sometimes a variety of skills. To play defence is much more easy, you do not need skill but tactics, your duty is to prevent an offender from scoring and nothing else. On the other hand, an offender not only tasked with the duty of scoring, he also needs to do it in style.

The single biggest mistake a defender can make is mental lapse, even a split second of mental lapse can cost a game and you will be forever condemned to hell.

The biggest asset of a defender is to know his limit, he must rationalize his energy to cover a limited defence-able area for the entire game and the goal is to tired out the offender eventually.